Heading to the forest

Yesterday night I painted this digital oil painting in Rebelle 7 Pro. I used the color palette from forest images that I do.

Loved painting the sun light on the mountains and the trees, and the depth. I may work more on this image. Not using undo and all done in a single layer, as this is about learning traditional painting, and they don't use those. Undo is for losers! :D

I call this "approaching the forest". 

sunset digital painting in Rebelle 7 Pro with a yellow sky and a  forest at the evening with many shades of green

I see that what I did with the oils is what it made it looking better: the color of light reflected in the trees and mountains. At the beginning I used to think in color as the logical color things are, or just in light and shadow, but now I am learning to think in light as reflected color, like things paint objects around with the light and their reflected color. I think it's the right mindset for painting better. I will insist on that. 

Here's two videos of the process:

I should retouch the third line of trees with more blue not so bright reflections. Maybe make them a bit more broken color, bluish, because of fog. Next day I'll fix it.

First I made this painting in vertical but then switched to horizontal. In Rebelle this is easy to do.



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